Grand Marketing

At Grand Marketing, we design experiences that unite individuals both in person and through digital channels.

EBM Factour

Arranged The Activation For Peek Freanse at EBM Head Office

What we did

Join us for an exclusive peek into the world of Peek Freans at EBM Head Office Karachi! Experience first-hand the innovative processes behind our delicious treats during the Factour School visit. Engage with our experts, explore our facilities, and indulge in the magic of Peek Freans. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity!

What We Achieved

Through Project: Factour at EBM Head Office Karachi, we’ve achieved a deeper connection with our consumers by offering them an immersive experience into the world of Peek Freans. By opening our doors and sharing the intricacies of our production process, we’ve fostered transparency and trust. This initiative has not only educated participants about our brand but also created lasting memories and strengthened brand loyalty.

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